Summer Camp 2025!

Already Registered

If you have ever been enrolled in ANY Children’s Choice program go here. Enter your User Name and Password.  Then click on the Blue Registration tile.  If you have forgotten your User Name or Password, please call 505-296-2880 OR email

New Registrations

If you have NEVER been enrolled in any Children’s Choice programs, click here

Children’s Choice will be offering Summer Camp for 2025. Registration is now available in your parent portal:

All families needing care over the summer must complete the registrations, even if you are currently registered for School-Year Care 2024-25. It can take up to 24 hours to process a registration, so please register as soon as possible. While you will need to select each week individually, you can add multiple weeks to one registration by clicking on the “+ Add More Programs” button at the confirmation questions page during the registration process.

Location: Children’s Choice will be at five different locations for Summer Camp:

Dates/Time: Monday, June 2nd through Wednesday, August 6th from 7:00am to 6:00pm

We will be closed on Thursday, June 19th and Friday, July 4th, in observation of Juneteenth and Independence Day, respectively.

Cost: We will be offering two different rates for Summer Camp:

  • $38 per day
  • $148 per week
  • There is a 10% sibling discount off the second and subsequent children

If your child shows up to attend program on an unscheduled day, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate them. To avoid being turned away, please schedule all attendance in advance. If we do accept them on an unscheduled day, you may be asked to pick them up immediately if our attendance reaches capacity.

Registration Fee: There is a $20 Registration Fee that will be due by the first day of Summer Camp. If you are on a Child Care Assistance contract, this fee will be waived.

Billing/Scheduling: When you register, you will be asked to choose the weeks you would like, and then select the days you expect your child will attend for MOST of those weeks (you can change this later). You will then be billed either $38/day or $148/week, depending on the number of days you selected.

If you need to make changes, or cancel your registration, please email our Registration Manager Hunter at before the deadline, which is Friday, May 23rd. After this date, we will base our staffing schedule on this information and therefore will not be able to issue credits on your account for scheduled days not attended. We appreciate your understanding as this allows us to pay, train, and take very good care of the staff members who take very good care of your children. You will be financially responsible for your registrations, regardless of attendance. The only exception to this policy is:

If you have registered for days that you would like to cancel after the deadline and only if there is a family on our waitlist who also needs to schedule those days. We can then offer your scheduled days to that family on the waitlist.

Financial Assistance: New Mexico’s Early Childhood Education & Care Department (ECECD) is supporting families who need child care. The state has changed eligibility requirements in order to help as many families as possible. Please go to to see if you qualify. You can contact Sara Mestas for more information at

Please do not bring your child to the program if anyone in your household is sick.